Stephanie Jerstad, PhD

Academic, Social Scientist, and Public Speaker in Pennsylvania

Stephanie Jerstad, PhD

Academic, Social Scientist, and Public Speaker in Pennsylvania

I am an Assistant Professor at Millersville University, Millersville, Pennsylvania in the Department of Criminology, Sociology & Anthropology.

My research interests include:

Sex offender legislation, aging sex offender population, barriers to housing, re-entry, community corrections, comparative global justice, survey methodology, mixed methods research.

My area of expertise is the aging sex offender population and their inability to access long-term care facilities.

Invited Guest Speaker:

Florida Action Committee; United Voices 4 Sex Offense Reform


Consulting, public speaker, keynote speaker


Care for the aging: Long-term care facilities' willingness to accept persons convicted of sexual offending.Dissertation, 2022

A review of laws addressing access to long-term care facilities for people convicted of sex crimes: Prevention of harms in the context of public health goals.Jerstad, S., Levenson, Jill S., Forthcoming, 2023

Social scientist, public speaker, advocate

  • Work
    • Millersville University
  • Education
    • Southern Illinois University
    • University of Cincinnati
Contact Me